Your source for inspiring conversations on topics related to the strategies of building peace, fostering nonviolence, and creating a world that thrives. This dialogue will shift our understanding toward empathy, compassion and connection. Peace On gives you access to information and advice from thought leaders across the spectrum, sharing their peace related wisdom and insights that reflect the vast wealth of violence prevention technologies now emerging on the national and international stage.

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Hope Story Circle with Rivera Sun - April 9, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Rivera Sun is an author, notably of fantasy novels for children with a fresh take on the themes of courage, character, humanness, friendship. In her writing, she began to wonder if we needed the violence that seems to persist in the story-telling in fantasy. Instead of trying to win the war, could we instead try to prove the heroism? We face epic struggles — climate crisis, nuclear weapons, pandemic — and can feel very small. That’s where these stories come in — the framework, metaphors, role models and heroes, and the ways to overcome the struggles without choosing violence. The group conversations centered on the question asking what stories have shaped you, and what did you draw from them? What are the elements and themes that might be showing up in your life over and over again? Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Hope Story Circle with Norma Loeb - March 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Norma Loeb spent years helping her mother, with whom she was very close, as her health failed and misdiagnoses led to confusion and frustration. When the accurate diagnosis came, Norma found a path to support others who were caregivers for Lewy Body Dementia, and those who were afflicted. Along the way, there were many points of decision, and of change, that were presented. This inspiring story led us to discuss what might be coming next, something that feels like it needs to change, and the next steps might not yet be revealed. For Norma, the key to moving forward was compassion for her mother. What might be the key for you? Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Friday Mar 18, 2022

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Hope Story Circle with Wayne Smith and Paul DelVecchio - March 12, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Paul and Wayne met in 1976, performing in a production of “Babes in Arms” in San Francisco, moved in together a year later, and have been together ever since. As performers, Paul’s career as a dancer and Wayne’s as a singer took them to New York, and then each of them traveled for work, often having to spend time apart while committed to remaining together. They returned to California moving to Los Angeles in the 1980’s, and their career path took them a different direction, and they found ways to work together and be together. Facing some significant, life-threatening health issues, they are now healthy, active, and singing together as a duo, performing for Assisted Living Centers with a really busy performing calendar, after a hiatus during Covid. Check them out at www.delsmithioproductions.com! Their story is a palpable and contagious story of joy, of love, of the importance of saying ‘yes’ to everything, and telling people you know that you love them - because it may be the last chance you have. Check the calendar of Events at www.peace alliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Thursday Mar 10, 2022

Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Hope Story Circle with Liz Gannon Graydon and Jelena Popovic - February 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Our own Liz and Jelena led the story-telling today, focusing on creating balance. The concepts of balance and equanimity - and the difference between them - were explored. Jelena shared the idea of being on a see-saw to find balance, and yet at this moment in our current global situation with Russia invading Ukraine, it feels as though we are on the see-saw with the whole world, and there is a big imbalance. In the small rooms, people explored how to find equanimity, and what practices people have to find hope, and experience optimism, even when things are difficult. Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
Saturday Feb 12, 2022
A native of South Carolina, Leslie shared a story of her professional career development, and how her options and choices impacted the decisions about how to spend her life. She had a couple of pivotal points that shaped her growth and her path, wanting to make spaces for people to thrive in the work place, with the values of Agile to put people and interactions over processes and tools, for example. She is now a leader in a smaller business, having been a leader in a very large corporation just prior, and is experiencing the room and space to make the working environment something that people enjoy. The inquiry was about how to bring our best selves to the work places that we inhabit, and how to make them more humanized where we can feel safe. Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Thursday Jan 27, 2022

Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Hope Story Circle with Anne Marie Shull - January 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Saturday Jan 22, 2022
Anne Marie grew up in Southern California, in a life she describes as ordinary. Her first career was as a performer, singing and dancing in tours of Broadway musicals. She found an interest in how these shows were managed, how things moved from place to place, how much royalty the original designers and creators of the shows were paid when she performed from city to city. At one point, she began an apprenticeship in creative performing management, and then was referred to work as a tour manager for a couple of concerts of Burt Bacharach, the world-renowned, multiple Grammy and Academy award winning composer and performer. That grew into a decades-long position, and her role grew with the years to be multi-faceted with great responsibility. Providing the scaffolding for Burt Bacharach to be able to fulfill his artistic endeavors became Anne Marie’s role. The inquiry is to consider what past experiences provided the learning to move to the next step. We often don’t realize at any given point in time what might evolve in the next chapter of life, and how we are being provided opportunities that make those next chapters possible to realize. Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Thursday Jan 20, 2022