Your source for inspiring conversations on topics related to the strategies of building peace, fostering nonviolence, and creating a world that thrives. This dialogue will shift our understanding toward empathy, compassion and connection. Peace On gives you access to information and advice from thought leaders across the spectrum, sharing their peace related wisdom and insights that reflect the vast wealth of violence prevention technologies now emerging on the national and international stage.

Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Hope Story Circle with Paul Chepikian - August 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021

Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Hope Story Circle with Adrianne Ferree - July 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Adrianne Ferree worked for 37 years in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and a portion of the time was working in inmate programs, creating sustainability programs: farm, garden, recycling center, woodshed, welding shop and more. One day in the woodshed she saw a beautifully crafted Adirondack chair, with curved edges, made of redwood, and a little imprint of a rubber ducky at the bottom of one of the legs. She asked the man who made it why he didn’t create these beautiful things when he was outside? Carlos said that he didn’t have a workshop and tools like this when he was on the outside. That was the seed of an idea that has led Adrianne to create a Tools Library in Compton, as a first step towards creating a Makers Hub in this underserved area of Los Angeles. The community is full of makers who need tools and a space to make things - and this is a path to do so. We don’t know what we don’t know - and when we are informed, as Adrianne was by Carlos, suddenly this whole new world opens up to amazing things! Has there been a time when this happened for you? Might you be able to be a part of something, and others might have the other parts, or you to co-create something? Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Thursday Jul 22, 2021

Thursday Jul 15, 2021

Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
An inspiring weekend, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the legislation to create a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding in our federal government. Our special guest speakers were Matthew Albracht, Judy Kimmel and Nancy Merritt sharing stories about how the concept and campaign began, and experiences throughout the years. We also had many long-time supporters of the Department of Peacebuilding attending, who shared some thoughts after the break-out. This has been a journey of hope, determination, persistence centered in the core belief that peace is possible. The inquiry for the group was to share about deeply held ideals that were hoped for, when an “aha!" moment happens and the overwhelming feeling of really wanting to make something happen occurs. Hope, intention, and a vision. July 11th presents a special event with Dennis Kucinich and Marianne Williamson, celebrating the anniversary of this special legislation, originally authored by former Congressman Kucinich 20 years ago. Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Hope Story Circle with Maggie Oman Shannon - June 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
As a minister, things were very difficult for our guest, Maggie Oman Shannon during the pandemic. Wanting to connect with her parishioners, and remain connected with all aspects of her life became challenging. She took the time to complete a book — her ninth book — that had been in the making for 23 years, and had been rejected by her publisher three different times. The book is about hope, called Have Hope: 365 Encouraging Poems, Prayers, and Meditations for Daily Inspiration. The inquiry explored the question: is there an idea inside of you right now, that has been percolating, that might have all of the right things in place now to bring it forward? The timing, the people, the circumstances, the community - everything is ready and in alignment? Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!

Thursday Jun 17, 2021

Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Hope Story Circle with Ashley Hurst - June 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
June 2021 National Monthly Action Call
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Featuring River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding Police-Youth-Dialogues
Be inspired. Meet peacebuilders leading the call for peace and justice!
Join author Jeffrey Weisberg, Executive Director of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding and Will Halvosa, Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator (DMC) for the Gainsville Florida Police Department. Together, they will share the work of Police Youth Dialogue: A Restorative Path Toward Justice, with the purpose of healing historical harms between black and brown youth, and law enforcement.
As Executive Director of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, Jeffrey Weisberg designed, developed and implemented a wide range of programs and services in his local community of Gainesville Florida and throughout the world. A small portion of his work with youth includes police/youth dialogues, social/emotional learning, restorative justice, and coming of age programs. For the past 25 years, Jeffrey has served as a Florida Certified Mediator. He is using Restorative Practices to support the Department of Juvenile Justice, schools, and prisons, to bolster alternatives to the punitive model. Jeffrey Weisberg is a founding member of the Peace Alliance and co-author of The Little Book of Police Youth Dialogue: A Restorative Path Toward Justice. [See book below.]
Will Halvosa retired as Captain from the Gainesville Police Department, after 30 years of service. Currently, he is the Disproportionate Minority Contact Coordinator (DMC) of that agency. Will graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Criminal Justice. He is certified in RED: Racial and Ethnic Disparity through Georgetown University. Will instructs statewide on DMC, RED, Implicit Bias, and Procedural Justice. Even though he is semi-retired, Will remains involved in community advocacy. Will Halvosa is currently a Board member of Partnership for Strong Families, Child Advocacy Center, MOTIV8U, and YouthBuild.

Saturday May 22, 2021
Hope Story Circle with Linda Bergman - May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Linda was diagnosed with leukemia on her 50th birthday. She shared a detailed story of her path of dealing with and healing from cancer, working with Dr. Steve Foreman at City of Hope, and working through it all with her husband and two teenage kids. Along the way, she was given only a few years to live, met with other survivors, and had a deeply powerful healing experience with a gifted healer. Each step of the way, she made choices - and walked through new doors. More than two decades later, she counts herself blessed to remain cancer free. What do each of us do when we’re faced with doors to walk through? How do we face the unknown? Check the calendar of Events at www.peacealliance.org - join us at our next Hope Story Circle and share your emerging stories!